As we continue our drive we're seeing lots of wind farms. I'd never seen them in person before and they are so overwhelmingly large. Any photos I shot of them from a moving car really don't describe how gigantic they are.

My cat's adjusting to the car and is content to just sleep in her crate and once in a while come up to be pet. In the afternoon we all needed a stretch and an excuse to get out of the car so when we saw a a highway sign for the Pony Express we made a visit. It's nice to get out of the car, stretch, and look up for a couple minutes.

We've been pretty successful at finding local places to eat our meals. No (or limited) bad rest stop food for us! We pulled off in Kearny, NE for lunch. So far I'm loving Nebraska. The open land is so welcoming. My friend in the passenger seat is a birder and I've gotten to benefit of having all the birds we're seeing along this flat lands identified for me. We even saw a flock of American White Pelicans to all our surprises!

Colorado at last! We made it! Shortly after passing across the border from Nebraska to Colorado the land continued to stretch on endlessly but it become noticeably more dry.

I knew if I didn't pull of to the side of the road to photograph this land I would regret it later. Miles and miles of land continued on like this and I thought it was amazing. That's mostly what I've heard other people warning cross country driver's about; endless passes "with nothing there." I disagree, it's not nothing, it's land. Land in a way I don't get to see everyday, or really ever before. Maybe it's the photographer in me, but I didn't get tired of looking at it.

We're here! Now just another couple of hours until we make it to our temporary apartment in beautiful Denver.
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