Today I headed to Red Rocks park to do some trail restoration with
VOC a Colorado Volunteer group. It was cool (around 50 at most) and overcast, but as it turns out that weather is perfect when you're physically digging up dirt, raking organics, and hauling large tree branches across a state park.

The park is gorgeous, especially surrounded in a thick fog in the distance.

Today the VOC was helping out with building wooden fencing, building steps, and covering trails that were never meant to be trails in the first place. My job was to essentially undo the social trails created in the park to encourage natural growth again and try to rebuild an area that was being aggressively disrupted by people.

Here's a before. Only the path of the left is a real trail. The other section was created from the multitudes of people that visit the park.

During. Yes, my arms are defiantly going to be sore tomorrow.

After. One trail of many successfully on it's way to returning back to it's original state.
I loved being able to help out, meet new people, and gain a greater appreciation of the park and the people that help maintain it. I look forward to more opportunities to join the VOC again.